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Two weeks after writing down the 10 commandments (see the previous post: https://padmakshidiary.wordpress.com/2014/09/20/am-i-doing-something-wrong/ ), I can already see if I’m getting any better with observing them. Overall, I’m quite happy with the progress. I haven’t got angry for all this time (wow!) even though I had a few opportunities to get carried away. I consciously let go of the plans I made, too. And it was for the best as the unplanned course of events proved to be very beneficial.

I was planning for some time to go to a theatre with my husband. In the last moment, he changed his mind so I followed his idea of going to a cinema instead. Normally, I’d insist on the original plan so that was already a step forward for me. Just as we got to the cinema, it turned out there was some technical problem and the movie had to be loaded again which would take… 40 minutes. I took it easy, went back home and came after 40 min only to hear it’s going to take another 20 min to complete the process. A hint: that’s usually a moment when I blow a fuse. But not this time. I just patiently waited and it was well worth it: not only the movie was excellent but also we’ve got free tickets for another visit.

The situation can develop in thousands of unpredicted ways so there is no point to plan the future in too much detail. The key is to remember that you’re not always in control and you might be wrong in your judgement. Obviously, it’s quite a blow to your ego to admit it but once you get over it, you will understand how much you can gain from this more relaxed attitude.

It’s rather difficult to get out of the habit of ordering my husband around (not surprising, considering that I had used the same habit with my parents before). At least he’s wise enough to ignore me and just do things in his own time or according to his own judgement.

My modest developments in giving without receiving started with offering a regular Thai Yoga Massage to my husband which I sadly always forget to do. And I must tell you, gratitude and happiness is already quite a lot to receive!

ThaiYoga_Photos-2  giving Thai Yoga Massage as Karma Yoga

I finish now each of my meditation session with a moment of gratitude for such a perfect life I have. I never forget to send my love to those whom I know are in trouble, whether they are close to me or not.

I also excavated from the bottom of a drawer my Teachers’ Training Manual in order to find a template of a Spiritual Diary. Keeping a Spiritual Diary is the idea of my guru, Swami Sivananda who was considering it the best way to track your progress and keep the discipline. So if I’m disciplined with my yoga and meditation practice, why not with the practice of love, forgiveness, compassion, etc.? The original version is a bit old-fashioned and a bit too extreme for me but it can be easily adopted to one’s own needs.

Swami Sivananda
Spiritual Diary is the idea of Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda said you should fill it up every day, for at least 6 months. I’ll give it a try. It should be possible since I’ve been keeping track of my asana and meditation practice for the last 2 years already (yes, I’m that kind of person who loves to keep track of everything, from the amount of books read to the amount of money spent).

After revamping it, my Spiritual Diary looks like that:

Have you done your asana & pranayama?

Have you done your meditation (how long)?

Have you told any lies (including exaggeration)?

Have you put blame on somebody?

Have you offended/ hurt somebody’s feelings?

Have you been angry (how many times)?

How much time have you wasted on useless actions (such as watching FB news feed)?

Have you done any Karma Yoga (selfless action for others)?

Which virtue you worked on?

Which vice you’re trying to get rid of?

Everybody can make his/her own version of Spiritual Diary, to work on their weakest points and to keep their yoga practice alive. I promise I’ll come back to the results of diary-keeping in half a year.